Each year, more than 200,000 playground injuries are reported in the US. Many of these are incidental, but you would be quite surprised how many of these end up in litigation. The types of playground injuries include:
Playground standards have evolved considerably since the 1970s, when the first of many were published. Standards now regulate the design, installation, maintenance, and inspection of playgrounds.
Despite the evolution of playground standards, children continue to be injured on playgrounds. It is crucial that someone with the right background, education, and experience is able to navigate the available information to determine liability in any given playground injury case.
With a wealth of experience in hundreds of playground injury cases, I have the expertise to determine liability. Whether it’s the playground manufacturer, installer, supervisor, or maintenance, I have the knowledge to handle it. I have also installed numerous modern playgrounds and was a Certified Playground Safety Inspector for several years.
If you have a case involving a playground and you need to determine how they were injured and who may be at fault, please feel free to contact me at any time to receive my CV or if you would like to discuss a case at avangura@biomechanics-expert.com or 724-255-7176.